Family Thrive 365
Reduce Meltdowns, Regulate Emotions, Build Flexible Thinking
Hi, I’m Sheri Langston…
I’m a former teacher, school counselor, and for the past several years, I have been in private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor, specializing in working with kids and families. Currently, I’m the director of Rocky Mountain Therapy Group, a multi-state group of licensed therapists.
I’m also a mom of children who have struggled with emotional regulation. I understand the effects dysregulation has on children’s self esteem, behavior at school, and the chaos it can cause at home. Through my personal parenting experiences, along with my professional experience as a therapist, I have noticed the growing challenge as more children struggle with self regulation, stress & anxiety, and fixed vs growth mindsets. So I’ve created this digital coaching program to meet these growing needs.
FamilyThrive365 was created to support families by providing a digital coaching program in app form, as well as provide resources here. We will soon be offering remote coaching sessions as well. In this app, parents & children participate together in a short (around 10 minute) daily module, then complete the coach’s challenge by practicing the new skill or concept that was introduced.
Get the app for only $29/month, cancel anytime
7-Day Free Trial Offer!
Grow the ability to self regulate!
Each activity followed by a challenge prompt is an opportunity for your child to embrace a new challenge. By practicing the skills in the challenge over several days in a row, your child is more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their problem-solving skills.
Activities you can work on together
While our coaching plan encourages your child to become more independent in self-regulating, we’ve also included special opportunities for you to work together. Co-regulating is an important step in learning to self regulate.
The sessions in the app help with…
Identifying Emotions
Signals & Clues in the Body
Examples from Movies
Building Resilience
Sensory preferences
Facial Expressions / Body Language / Tone of Voice
Coach’s Challenges
The Amygdala
Breathing Techniques
Size of Feelings
Size of Problems
Size of Reactions
Flexible Thinking
Tools & Strategies
Retained Reflexes
Only $29/month, cancel anytime
7-day Free Trial Offer!
Keep their growing minds engaged by planting the right seeds.
With the FamilyThrive365 app, you’ll get…
24/7 Access
24/7 access to video sessions available anytime.
Support for Parents & Caregivers
Specific modules just for parents or trusted adult in your child’s life to provide additional information & guidance to help support your child.
Daily Bite-sized Video Lessons
Short daily video training that makes it easy to fit into your schedule. Bite-sized to help your child absorb the concept or skill.
A variety of video types are used in order to sustain your child’s attention. You can also track daily progress!
Daily Practice
Daily reminders, practice, and challenges to help your child understand and grow in their ability to regulate their own emotions. Learn tools and strategies to address specific areas of struggle to make specific changes.
Get the app now from your favorite store
7-day Free Trial Offer!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child do the lessons / sessions alone or do I sit with them each time?
For optimal results, parents are encouraged to participate with their child - for several reasons. First, when you are present, you will know what your child is working on and will be able to guide their practice of the new concept & help them complete the challenges. Second, children learn to self regulate by co-regulation. It’s important for trusted adults first to model what regulation looks like and also to work through intense emotions with them. Third, when you attend with your child, you will be able to use the same terminology in your interactions that is used in the program, helping to solidify the new concept for your child. And lastly, the first couple of sections in the program are specifically for parents.
Is there a contract or obligation?
No! You may cancel at any time. After the initial 6 day free trial, your subscription is billed monthly. Once you have made payment for the month, even if you cancel, you will still have access until the next billing period.
What’s the time commitment each day?
Most sections are 6 - 12 minutes in length. However, when you come across a longer section, you can complete one lesson and start the next one another day to complete the section.
Do I have to do the sessions in order?
It is highly recommended that you and your child complete the sessions in order because we have a lot of vocabulary and concepts that wrap around. It’s been specifically created using curriculum design so concepts reinforce what has been learned in previous sessions.
My child is younger or older than the recommended age. Will this program be a good fit for them?
It depends on many factors. The program is developed around typical 6 - 12 year old development, but many children don’t fit rigidly in this range. It really depends on your individual child. You are welcome to give it a try - we have a 7 day free trial.
What if I want my school or organization to use this program? Can we purchase a group subscription?
Absolutely! Just email me at and ask about a group subscription rate.